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Aluminum plate sheet laser cutting

The characteristics of laser cutting aluminum plate:

1. Fine cutting seam: the cutting seam of laser cutting aluminum plate is generally 0.1mm-0.2mm.
2. The cutting surface is smooth: the cutting surface of the laser cutting aluminum plate has no burrs and no slag.
3. Small thermal deformation: The laser cutting laser has fine slits, fast speed, and concentrated energy, so the heat transferred to the material being cut is small, and the deformation of the material is also very small.
4. Material saving: laser processing adopts computer programming, and laser equipment can cut aluminum sheet processing parts with different shapes to material, improve the material utilization rate of aluminum sheet, and save a lot of material cost.
5. The thickness of the aluminum plate that can be cut depends on the power of the laser generator. Generally, the maximum thickness of 6000W can be cut to 16mm, and 4500W can be cut to 12mm.
Laser cutters produce aluminum parts from sheet material using a laser beam to vaporize sections of the workpiece.
Chalco Aluminum offers Laser cutting aluminum sheet and Laser cutting services whether you need a single part, batch of prototypes,
