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Aluminum cnc turning parts

Writer: admin Time:2020-08-18 15:57 Browse:

Aluminum cnc turning parts is a lathe processing, lathe processing is a part of the mechanical processing.
Aluminum cnc turning parts mainly uses a turning tool to turn the rotating workpiece.On the lathe, drills, reamer, taps, die and karmic tools can also be used for corresponding processing.Lathes are mainly used for machining shafts, plates, sets and other workpieces with rotating surfaces. They are the most widely used machine tools in machinery manufacturing and repair factories.

Divided into aluminum alloy and the Non aluminum alloy, flexible type processing, in normal production, some special precision and small have no way to directly obtained by casting or extrusion production, will be for subsequent processing machine tool, CNC lathe stiffness is stronger, when cnc machining precision is also more secure, at the same time in the processing process can effectively control the quality of the processed,
Aluminum cnc turning parts is mainly through a number of high precision calculation and servo drive link to achieve, in addition to the lathe itself precision and stiffness are relatively good, so in the bus processing, its straightness and roundness and cylindricity can be very good to meet the relevant standards and requirements,In the production of parts with multiple arcs and other complex shapes, the parts produced are not much different from those in the design drawings.