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CNC machining aluminum extrusion parts

Writer: admin Time:2021-05-28 17:40 Browse:

CNC machining aluminum extrusion parts are now in construction, industry, transportation, civil and other fields have a very wide range of uses, because of convenient installation, corrosion resistance and many other advantages.But when it comes to installation and special purposes and other problems, aluminum profiles still need to be processed by CNC, so what should we pay attention to in the process of CNC processing?

Relative to other metals, aluminum profile texture is relatively soft, so we should pay attention to the problem of deformation in the process of processing:
1, in the process of clamping to control the strength, but also can improve the clamping way of aluminum profiles.
2, optimize the cutting tool, because the aluminum profile plastic is relatively large, the cutting deformation will be more serious,
3, control the cutting speed, CNC machining aluminum extrusion parts cutting speed should not be too fast, because the aluminum profile is relatively soft to steel, the cutting speed is much faster, but too fast will also lead to a lot of problems.
4. Improve the cutting ability of the tool. The material and geometric parameters of the tool have an important influence on the cutting force and cutting heat of the processed material.Therefore, we should choose the cutting tool reasonably.
5, the use of aluminum alloy special cutting emulsifier, professional cutting emulsifier in the processing can play a cooling, lubrication, cleaning and other functions.