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Cnc machine parts china

Writer: admin Time:2020-08-28 17:55 Browse:

Cnc machine parts china is through the use of advanced CNC machining center spindle axis and the vertical table Settings (by changing different milling head can also be parallel) machining centers, milling, boring, drilling, drilling, expansion, ground), tapping screw, processing a variety of functions, mainly suitable for processing various precision components, widely used in automation equipment, aerospace, printing, packaging, textiles, military industry, mold and other CNC precision aluminum processing industry.


Chalco Aluminum focus on design and manufacture all kinds of Cnc machine parts china , and according to user needs processing a variety of Cnc machine parts china , factory has various types of CNC precision machining equipment, large CNC computer gongs, CNC lathe, lathe, precision milling machine, line cutting machine, precision grinding machine, tapping machine, drilling machine, can undertake all kinds of precision machinery automation equipment of Cnc machine parts china , precision parts, production and manufacturing, Chalco Aluminum has Swiss milling machine, can undertake all kinds of precision machinery automation equipment Cnc machine parts china , precision hardware, production and manufacturing, to ensure the accuracy of each product out of the factory, Chalco Aluminum production of various precision machinery parts products has become one of the reliable suppliers of the related machinery processing industry.