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Aluminum cnc machining aerospace parts

Writer: admin Time:2021-07-30 18:19 Browse:

The application of Aluminum cnc machining aerospace parts is very wide, which is due to the light weight, high strength and convenient processing of aluminum alloy, which well meets the requirements of choosing materials in the design of aircraft with high specific strength and specific stiffness, and reduces the weight of aircraft structure.  With good machinability and easy to form, it is a good choice for aircraft frame aluminum. 

Application of Aluminum cnc machining aerospace parts in aircraft enclosures 
Aircraft compartment is the longitudinal frame of aircraft fuselage, is an important component of the fuselage, there are ordinary frame and reinforced frame. The common frame is to maintain the shape of the fuselage section, usually designed as a ring frame, to support the skin and the girder function; The strengthening frame is located at the two ends of the large opening of the fuselage. In addition to the functions of the ordinary frame, it can also spread the loading mass force and the load on other parts to the fuselage structure through the joint, and pass it to the skin in the form of shear flow. 
In recent years, chalco aluminum, uphold the development of the concept of innovation, speed up the upgrading of industrial structure, constantly introducing advanced technology and equipment at home and abroad, research and development of new processing technology, Producing Aluminum cnc machining aerospace parts in mechanical performance is good, has the ultra high strength, good corrosion resistance, apply it on the plane of the frame, can well meet the requirements of the quality of the aircraft.